3月のイベントの詳細は、2月下旬に発表予定となっています。イベントの提案などがありましたら、是非、bostonsakurakids@gmail.com までお知らせください!
On behalf of everyone at Boston Sakura Kids, we hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day! BSK’s February event was held on 2/14 with a Valentine’s Day theme!
February’s event was held with a similar structure to January’s event with multiple different activities including card making, valentine’s themed spot-the-difference, word searches, and cooking strawberry mug cakes! We loved seeing everyone enjoying their finished mug cakes and were impressed by the students’ strong observation skills during spot-the-difference!
Details regarding the March event will be released in late February. If you have any suggestions for future meetings, please let us know at bostonsakurakids@gmail.com!
Below are some pictures from this month’s event!
