Happy November! We hope you all had a safe, enjoyable Halloween yesterday. Today is BSK’s 4-month anniversary, which feels so short and so long. We couldn’t have done any of this without you, and we are forever grateful for your faith in us!
Our Japanese Language and Culture program is halfway through! We will be opening registration for our winter program in the coming weeks. Depending on demand, we may create an advanced program for returning students. If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please have them contact us at bostonsakurakids@gmail.com or fill out the form on our website.
We have decided to change our 1:1 Tutoring program to a 1:1 Mentoring program. We will still be providing academic support but also focus on building confidence through bilingual peer connection. We will keep you updated as soon as it starts, which will likely be within the next few weeks! You can register for the program here.
As always, we would love your feedback! We realized that we did not set our previous form to anonymous, so we have fixed it! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know via this form or by email to bostonsakurakids@gmail.com.
This week’s blog post features a video from our Japanese Language and Culture program and photos from our other programs! We hope you enjoy them!

Dino-Halloween by Lisa Wheeler


Origami shuriken! 折り紙の手裏剣