Thank you so much for participating in Boston SAKURA Kids, and welcome to our blog! We can’t believe that it’s already been two weeks since launching our program - time flies! It has been an incredible experience getting to know the kids and watching them bond with our volunteers.
We are so grateful for your patience during our first week as we navigated technical difficulties, and are glad to say that we have largely resolved them in our second week. We are constantly striving to improve the quality of our program, and we are taking into consideration your feedback as we move forward.
This is a snapshot of the various books we have read over the last two weeks. We hope you enjoy it!
Radio Taisou ラジオ体操

Storytime 読み聞かせ
長靴をはいた猫 シャルルペロー

The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read by Rita L. Hubbard
